Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Books Books Books

So, I pulled seven books off my shelf recenty, and slated them for when I finished reading Perdido Street Station. I really liked Perdido Street Station, though it took a hell of a long time to get where it was going, I don't generally mind that in books.

Three of the books are non-fiction, and I'll chip away at them for a while, starting with Lessig's Code v2.0, and will follow that with Anarchist in the Library and Shadow Cities, in some order or another.

The first two fictions books, though, I have just flown through at a pace that's unprecedented for me. Granted, I was sick and didn't want to move for much of the weekend, but on the other hand, I also went out quite a bit more than I should have during that same time.

Old Man's War flew by. I often will read a book--a book I really enjoy--knowing that it will put me to sleep, just by the act of reading and lying in bed. This one kept me up all night, not just at its most exciting parts, but for the entire book. I'm giving it to my father tomorrow, because I think he'll really enjoy it, too. Its been a long time since I read something that was so unapologetically science fiction /and/ had new and interesting ideas, an excellent plot, and great characters. Really, it was a hands down winner.

I then picked up Eleanor Rigby, the Doug Coupland book I'd skipped over when I started jPod as soon as it came out. I'd had the hardcover lying around for quite some time, in fact, and I must say that I really thoroughly enjoyed it, although I would mark it a notch lower than either Girlfriend in a Coma or Hey Nostradamus!, as his novels of this sort go. In fact, I just recommended both of those to a friend of mine who asked me what I'd been reading that I went through so quickly. I merely wish I had the time to re-read them.

I also wish that my downstairs neighbor, who had the balls to complain that I was noisy (I'm seriously, very NOT noisy, though I did realize that I had some speakers on the floor, which I've now turned off), would shut the hell up tonight. Maybe I should call the landlord, just to get back at him.


Kelly said...

Men who read are sexy.

P.S. I'm rereading The Silmarillion.

Ray Rigo said...

I honestly .. I don't think I could ever read that again. I doubt I'll ever read Lord of the Rings again, honestly.

Maybe a long way off...