Sunday, February 25, 2007

Stuff I must have

There are a few non-standard programs I have to remember to install, as well. For example, all the LaTeX (or rather, TeTeX) packages, but I generally remember those as I try to use them, and they're painless to put in place. The main non-standard kubuntu apps I use (most of them available in repositories but not installed by default), are:

  1. Firefox. Duh.
  2. Thunderbird. I just don't like kmail very much.
  3. QComicbook. Its a very nice comic book .cbr reader. Needs the rar/unrar packages.
Wow. I really thought there were more than that. Opera likely won't have a Feisty package available, though, and I'll have to, of course, install all the other packages that ubuntu annoyingly leaves out, for building software from source. But again, those are fairly easy to take care of when they are needed.

1 comment:

Kelly said...'s life?